Our Mission: Food, Education, Medicine

Work Done By JOSH During Covid-19 Pandemic

Ration Distribution

➤ JOSH reached out and identified the most vulnerable families and provided them with ration kits. These families were identified on the basis of their vulnerable status due to lack of ration cards and other documents to access food supplies from the Public Distribution System (PDS).

➤ For the three months of the lockdown, JOSH provided dry ration kits to 400 such families in Trilokpuri.


E-Coupon application to the non ration card holders

➤ Delhi Govt. had started a website to issue e-coupons for all the people who do not have ration cards. Given that it requires access to internet and digital platform, we decided to help the 400 identified families by filing out e-coupons to access ration through PDS. They had to register themselves using their Adhar Cards on this website. JOSH volunteers simultaneously helped the families to apply for e-ration coupon scheme of the Government of Delhi, initiated to cover individuals without ration cards.

Sanitary Kit Distribution

➤ JOSH has designed a program to provide holistic support to vulnerable girls and women in community of Trilokpuri.

➤ JOSH has been providing sanitary napkins and COVID PPE kits to 300 girls for six months.


Eidi Distribution

➤ Eid is a festival which brings happiness for all. Muslims around the world celebrate this festival with lots of enthusiasm each year. But this year was tough for all. The corona pandemic and the lockdown brought great pain with them. The families who did not have enough ration to eat, how could they celebrate a festival with happy hearts. The children were the most effected because like every year they could not visit all of their relatives and get eidi from them. So JOSH decided to bring smiles to their The volunteers and staff members identified such families, supported all logistics- from carrying the ration kits to the community area and distributing it to the identified children. This helped our volunteers to gain confidence and in spreading message about our work amongst the community.

Smart Mobile Phone and Laptop Distribution

➤ Closure of the schools and educational institutions for the last six months have severely impacted access of students to learning inputs. Students from marginalized communities are the most affected. As a substitute, the government has come up with e-learning options, which in the context of such an unequal society like India has further deepened the divide.

➤ Given these circumstances, JOSH reached out to students, especially those from most vulnerable and marginalised families in Trilokpuri, by providing with mobile phones and laptops to help them continue their studies.

➤ We have distributed 52 mobile phones and 1 laptop. 


Educational Kit Distribution

➤ JOSH has distributed educational kits to 500 children between the age group of 4 to 10 years. This kit has lots of colourful themes related to cleanliness and sanitization. It has small sentences and stories to which the kid can relate to. It also has shapes and colours which helps the kids to identify various shapes and colours.

Tuition Classes

➤ With schools closed for the last six months due to COVID, JOSH has mobilised volunteers to help students studying in government schools to pursue with their school curriculum.

➤ 300 such students, living in slums and resettlement colonies of Trilokpuri are been offered free tuition by JOSH volunteers since July 2020. Students of primary, upper primary and secondary sections are being helped with their studies and online classes in these tuition classes. Classes are being held in small groups of four students, maintaining physical distancing and all COVID related guidelines of the Government of India.
